Monday, July 6, 2009

Death of the Clock

I'm officially switching to using sun-dials to measure my day, and to maximize my feelings of success regarding what I accomplish I'm making my day 40 hours long. That way, I feel like I have much more time to get things done, because 24 hours is just not cutting it. I thought my last semester of undergrad was killer! Time management and having a million things to do and no time to do them are not the same thing! Completely different lesson, different school entirely. Balancing kid, school, house management, relationship, as well as a wedding is TOO DAMN much. Oh, what those without kids and obligations to others don't realize....they are only limited by their own strength. I use all my strength, I better find some more and muster up the energy to give my all to two other beings. I can't run on empty on my motherhood job. There is no "I have nothing left to give". I better dig down deep and find it. There are no excuses, no "It will wait for tomorrows", no "I'm sorry I'm overwhelmed" or "my bad, I'm running late/I forgots".
But oh....the payoffs.
No degree, no paycheck can equal that payment of a hug, or a meaningful kiss or a cookie-filled swipe across the face.
So...I'm trying to kill the clock. Stop the endless mad dash against time for increasing productivity. Take a breath, play with my son, lay with my future husband...and enjoy the the love that abounds in my world. Most people work endlessly for decades and don't reach a payoff. Luckily, I get a check and a bonus after every day. And it is a direct deposited to my heart.

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